Today I want to go over how to build direct mail lists that get results and the method for doing that.  Let’s face it; no one wants to spend their time and money sending out direct mail that doesn’t get your phone ringing. For those of us that target off market properties, direct mail is the only way to effectively market to some of the niches like probates so it’s important to get this right. 

The results you get from your direct mail campaigns can be affected by many factors. However, there are 4 essential parts to every direct mail campaign and if anyone of these is missing or is not quite right you won’t get the results you anticipated. What’s even worse is that you will likely waste a lot of money in the process. 


4 Essential Components to Any Direct Mail Campaign 

Here are the 4 main components to any direct mail campaign:

The list The mail pieces The message The mailing (the campaign)

It really doesn’t matter of your message is great or which type of mail piece you send if you don’t get this right.  So today I’m going to focus on one important piece of that puzzle, and that is how to build direct mail lists that get results.  


Show Notes

In this show I’ll cover:

The components of a good list (vs a bad list) What information should be included Tips for reaching the right prospects Selecting the area(s) you want to focus on (and avoid)  Choosing price points for your properties (high and low) How much equity must the property have to be included in your list Criteria for an out of state absentee owner list


How About You?

Are you using direct mail in your business? If you are, how are you building your direct mail lists?  Let me know.


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