Content marketing is something all real estate investors need to be focusing on today. It builds a strong personal brand for you as well as a brand for your business. This means having content marketing strategies couldn’t be more important as a part of your overall marketing strategy.

When I decided content marketing would be the focus of this podcast, I knew exactly who my guest would be. My guest today is Josh Culler of Culler Media. Josh has been on the show before and always has cutting-edge information to share. He has been in the real estate investing industry since 2013 and has been a part of hundreds of deals as a marketing director. Josh’s company, Culler Media, is a service provider that offers full social media management along with YouTube, Podcasting, and other forms of content marketing. He primarily works with those in the Real Estate Investing education space.

[00:01 - 06:56] Opening Segment

• Introducing Culler Media

The real estate investing education space

• How content creation started becoming a big thing in the mid-2010s

• Josh’s research and development to understand how platforms work

[06:57 - 14:23] Exploring the Optimal Length in the Digital Age

• Long-form content vs short-form content

How consumption of short-form content has flipped long-form content Long-form content still has its place and can be successful if done right

• How to leverage short-form content to drive people back to long-form content

[14:24 - 21:40] The Evolution of Content Consumption

• The benefits of short-form platforms

How demographics evolve over time

• TikTok is the top of the funnel for educators and course creators

• Focus on delivering value rather than recording time

[21:41 - 28:49] Repurposing Content

• Tips for chopping out and delivering value-packed content

• Social media is a platform for organic lead generation and brand awareness

You don't have to become an influencer to use social media for marketing

• Understand the platforms you are using and what they want

[28:50 - 39:51] Closing Segment

• How to create targeted and consistent content

Crafting a content plan

• Use the 90/10 rule for content

Want to connect with Josh? Follow him on LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube. Head to his website to explore result-driven content marketing for real estate investors!

Key Quotes:

“Be focused on the value that you're delivering. If you're delivering immense value within the time period that you're recording, people will stay and listen and come back to it if they have to turn it off for a certain time period.” - Josh Culler

“Consistency is the biggest factor to having any success on any platform.” - Josh Culler

“Content marketing is just answering the questions that your target demographic has about what you do, who you are, and your industry.” - Josh Culler


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Or you can send me an email at [email protected] 

Be sure to check out the Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog and my course Probate Investing Simplified.

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