Today I have a real-life case study on how a former UPS driver and his wife, a postal worker, were able to quit their jobs, move from Hawaii to Nevada, and become financially free in less than 5 years. CJ will tell you the story of how his wife was actually the one that first wanted to invest in real estate, while he was the guy initially sitting in the back of the room observing. You’re going to love this story, and this roadmap to their freedom.


[00:00 - 07:08] Opening Segment

• CJ’s experience as a full-time investor in residential and commercial real estate

How he has become financially free in less than five years

• How CJ experienced frustration with long hours during the busy season


[07:09 - 14:33] A Journey of Mindset Shifting and Networking for Real Estate Success

• CJ and his wife decided to invest in real estate after hearing other people's success stories

They bought their first property in Indianapolis

• The importance of networking and building relationships with the right team members

• Moving from Hawaii to Nevada to be closer to the real estate sphere of influence


[14:34 - 21:42] From Monopoly to Real Estate Investing

• How to capitalize on sweat equity and raise private money

• How CJ transitioned from residential properties to commercial doors

• Real estate is a big math problem, so be conservative with numbers

• Proven track record and skin in the game are necessary for private money lenders


[21:43 - 29:07] Unlocking the Potential of Networking

• Buy and hold strategy with rehab, rent, refinance, repeat the concept

• Building rapport and credibility over time

• Seeding conversations without asking for money

Networking is an underutilized form of generating leads


[29:07 - 39:40] Closing Segment

• Introverts can do networking in their own way

• Planting the right seeds today will help you reap the benefits down the road

• Understanding that there are different team members involved in commercial real estate is crucial


Want to connect with CJ Calio? Follow him on Facebook, Instagram & YouTube. Check out his website!


Key Quote:

“You don't like the result, you'll pivot. Try a different lane, try a different angle. Once you get that down, You're never failing. You're always learning, and you're always growing.” - CJ Calio



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