Previous Episode: Let's Talk, Witches
Next Episode: Let's Talk, Body Hair

Hey Peaches!

Living with others can be tricky, especially if you’re living in close quarters. Whether you've been locked up with your roommates all quarantine and want to give them a peach of your mind, or you just got your college roommate assignment and are peaching out? That being said, roommates can also be an opportunity to make life long friends! This episode is for anyone who has ridden the roommate struggle bus. 

We’ve had our fair share of roommates and with that, many ups and downs. We asked our first ever roomie Kelly Thebado to come on the pod and talk through all things roommates. We dive into all of our roommate histories (the good, bad, and down right sad) as well as relive some of those embarrassing college stories. 

It get's real, Peaches.


Kelly Thebado's IG: @kellythebado