Hey Peaches!
**First things first, none of the lovely humans present in this episode are medical professionals and anything said should not be taken as medical advice.**
Wether you have the same chronic illness or no illness at all, you can get something out of this episode. We all know the universe throws many curve balls at us throughout life. This episode is all about how to thrive amongst those curve balls. Billie Anderson & Molly Atwater share their experiences dealing with chronic illness and how they have come to truly embrace a new normal. These women share their lives publicly with such venerability, and for that we are so so grateful.  

Let's Talk, Peaches
IG: @letstalk_peaches
Website: letstalkpeaches.com

Billie Anderson Links
IG: @billieandersonx
Blog: https://trustyourgut.blog/

Molly Atwater
IG: @MollyOllyOstomy
Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIlHXQC7Qp0&feature=youtu.be