Today we talk about Owning your Difference. It's so important that people know that you're the person for to help them, solve their problem. This is where we start with it makes a massive difference in your marketing efforts. Listen to this episode if you're unclear about your marketing message...what you're saying to your potential clients and leads. After all, a confused mind never buys. 

Episode Highlights:

The essential role of clarity in marketing and how a confused mind never buys.

The two crucial aspects of achieving clarity: your message and the words you use.

How You Factor is an essential part of The FAY WAY to Marketing, a framework for effective marketing.

Dispelling the myth of the 60-second elevator pitch and focusing on the power of clarity instead.

Embracing your uniqueness and showcasing your YOU Factor to stand out from the competition.


The transformation from a great marketing message to a phenomenal one by working on your YOU Factor.

Owning your marketing message and becoming a rockstar in your field.

If you're ready to clarify your marketing message and unlock the power of your YOU Factor, this podcast is for you. Join Denise Fay as she guides you through actionable strategies and expert advice to help you attract more clients, make a greater impact, and become more famous in your industry. Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your marketing approach!

Join the Achievers Club for additional support, training, and accountability. Reach out to Denise Fay via email at [email protected] to connect and share your unique marketing message.

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Get in touch using any of the social channels..whichever you prefer:

Denise Fay on Instagram. (I’m usually on this one!) Denise Fay on Facebook. Denise Fay on Linkedin Denise’s personal website Denise’s company website