From a Scientist to a Business Coach

One thing my guest this week is focused on is focus (excuse the pun!). Lately, I’ve been thinking about working ON the business rather than IN the business.

How so many business owners experience the see-saw approach to entrepreneurship.

I was delighted to have Lynsey Hanratty come on the show to talk about staying safe, how we self-sabotage our goals and how to overcome it.

I loved her very simple approach to overcoming self sabotage – she gave us one simple but man, it was powerful, technique, which I have started doing.

And I think you should do too.

I’m not going to say anything else other than listen to the podcast.

If you feel you need extra focus, a gentle push to stop you from playing small, then drop everything and listen to this.

And my ask of you – if you love this interview, then I would love a review. I’d really appreciate that.

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