Often when us, business owners write copy for marketing - website, web pages, newsletter, social media post, email, articles and much more - there is a temptation to sit back in our chair, full of pride, hear the sounds of jubilant trumpets and press Publish. 

However, my advice to you is to pause. 

You see, you need your copy to be in remarkable condition, cut to chase and captivate your reader's imagination. In short, you need your reader to read your work. 

In this short podcast, I share 5 tips to make your marketing copy flow. Little tips that will make a difference to someone reading you copy or moving on. 

This is one to save and listen to again and again. 

You'll soon discover on this podcast: 

How to avoid the dreaded wall of text,  The only way that people will spend their hard earned time with you, How your copy should be able to strut up and down muscle beach, An exercise that is so worthwhile but it hard (even seasoned copywriters like me struggle), Inject some art into your writing. 

Links mentioned in the podcast 

The Achieve Marketing Monday Newsletter - 3 Client Attraction Strategies, 2 Copywriting Tips, 1 Inspiring Idea - (https://www.achievemarketing.ie/newsletter)

Free Training - Write Words that Work (https://www.achievemarketing.ie/wordsthatwork)

Then Join the Conversation over on the free The Achievers Club Community Facebook group.

or any of the social channels..whichever you prefer:

Denise Fay on Instagram. Denise Fay on Facebook. Denise Fay on Linkedin Denise's personal website Denise's company website