Dr. Nadia Brown is a sales strategist, consultant, trainer, and founder of The Doyenne Agency. She brings over fifteen years of leadership experience, powerful conversations, achieving goals, and respect for people, to develop a comprehensive sales process to increase closing rates and satisfied client retention.


Dr. Nadia believes that using what is inherent in us as women, helps us sell better and more authentically. In this episode, Dr. Nadia shares how she overcame the fear of selling, ways to supercharge our sales courage to get to where we want to be, and why courage may be THE most critical sales quality we need to succeed.


To learn more about working with Dr. Nadia and her team, visit www.thedoyenneagency.com and find her on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter.


The 3rd Annual Interior Design Business Success Summit will be October 12-14, 2022. Visit www.designedforthecreativemind.com/summit for more details and to reserve your ticket.


To stay in touch with Michelle, please follow her on Instagram and join our Free Facebook Community!


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Email me!


Podcast edited and managed by Haili Murch LLC.


If you are interested in starting a podcast or you are currently a podcaster needing help managing or relaunching your podcast, you may email Haili Murch at [email protected] or you can click here to book a call: https://calendly.com/hailimurch/podcast-discovery-call

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