Sometimes we overcomplicate things. My good friend and brother-in-law Brent Gibson has been using a simple spiritual growth strategy with his children for each of the last three summers. Today, we talk about being intentional dads, and Brent shares how he’s encouraged Bible Study, memorization, and reading with his children each summer.

You might also want to check out my blog from Last Year: Summer Growth Plan

Show Highlights

If I am not the most centrally present male figure in my kids lives, I have no idea what I can expect from whoever is going to fill that role. There’s never been a more important time than now for Dads to be engaged with their kids.

Kids are going to find a central male in their lives; let it be you, and work hard at it.  – Brent Gibson

It doesn’t matter as much what you tell your kids; they’re going to model what they’ve experienced with you as their parent.  Being present and engaged goes a long way.

Tools we can use to pour into our kids

Set up intentional play time with others going the same direction Have other godly men in our boys lives (women for girls) Structure purposeful time together Implement subtle lessons

Intentional growth opportunities for this summer

Help your kids redeem free hours through the week with reward attached (praise, cash, etc) Cast a vision; inspire them if possible Brent and Lisa’s tools for a purposeful summer scripture memorization scripture reading general reading Aim to get 1% better on a goal each day Helpful formula to instill a new habit make it obvious make it easy make it attractive make it satisfying Tweet This

If I am not the most centrally present male figure in my kids' lives, I have no idea what I can expect from whoever is going to fill that role. There's never been a more important time than now for dads to be engaged with their kids.
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Kids are going to find a central male in their lives; let it be you, and work hard at it. - Brent Gibson
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Atomic Habits by James Clear

Previous episode: Summer Growth Plan