Today I have a dear friend joining me from Spain where he and his family of six have been in lockdown for more than three weeks.

He’s going to help give us wisdom and counsel on how we might set ourselves up to thrive spiritually, physically, and emotionally, while also having realistic expectations for ourselves and those around us as we continue to navigate Covid-19.

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Show Highlights

Virgil Tanner has been married for 20 years and is a father of four. He and his family have lived on three continents and he is currently based in Spain where he oversees strategy and global operations for a non-profit with hundreds of staff scattered all over the world.

It is possible to thrive in lockdown. It is possible to thrive in uncertainty.

You can thrive spiritually by:

Withdraw – Allow yourself to pull away from the people you are on lockdown with and from distractions to create space where you can listen to Jesus. Gather – Jesus touches us when we gathered. Find ways, with social distance, to connect with people so you can connect deeply with Jesus, together. Obey – Listen to God’s call, obey, and reflect on what you’ve learned from obeying Him.

Health is incredibly vital during the lockdown. You can thrive physically by:

Eat – Be intentional about what you put in your body. Boost your immune system with vitamins and minerals. Move – Have a regular movement practice with active intentional action. 30 minutes of high intensity exercise every day is the best way to fight depression and anxiety. Recover – Notice your energy levels and get the right amount of sleep, not too much and not too little. Right now, adjusting and coping to our new work and life situation can be more tiring than usual. Be intentional about giving yourself more time to rest.

You can thrive cognitively and emotionally by:

Learn – Keep your brain active by presenting your mind with something novel. Focus – Be selective about when you are going to think of certain things. Know when not to put things in your head and the kinds of things that you shouldn’t put in your head. This also makes space for you to feel necessary feelings. Play – Schedule play into your day. We are at our most human when we are at play. It helps to play together as a family.

Most importantly, be intentional about lowering the bar for yourself during this challenging time. Right now, everyone’s capacity is diminished. Try hard to do yourself, but cut yourself some slack.

Resources Mentioned Things for Thursday and free e-book: Text THINGS to 66866 Virgil’s Youtube Channel: Virgil Tanner