Today on The Kondrat Podcast, I sat down with Jeremy Clark, President & CEO of  CH Financial Ltd.  Jeremy describes CH Financial as the “Mayo Clinic of finance – all financial services under one roof”.  Beyond providing financial services, Jeremy and his team are also very active in the local community.  The charities and organizations they support include the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, Brown Bagging for Kids and the Calgary Food Bank.

On the podcast, we discuss Jeremy’s journey to become CEO and President of CH Financial, and what motivates him as a leader.  We also discuss some of the challenges that face the industry in general such as “Robo Advisors” that have basically turned some financial services into commodities.  Jeremy is confident that they can overcome the challenges by “doubling down on empathetic client services and understanding that delivery models may have to change”.

I was really excited to discuss his plans for the future that include launching CH Life – a division of CH Financial that will focus on mental health and wellness!  CH Life takes retirement planning to the next level - it’s not just about retiring with financial security but considering and planning for other aspects of life as well.

It was great to connect with Jeremy and share his story.  I hope you enjoy our surprisingly interesting conversation!

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FH Financial Ltd : website | instagram | linkedin

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