About 25% of our listeners are from outside the USA. Whether you live in the USA or not, you don’t need me to tell you that America is more divided than ever. We can chat and/or argue all day about why we are more divided than ever but we are not going to focus on those things today. What we are going to focus on is how can people that believe different things and value different things come together to find common ground around food and drink?
Right after the inauguration in 2017, three groups came together to launch a project called #100Days100Dinners. Shortly after, this project turned into The People’s Supper. The People’s Supper aims to repair the breach in our interpersonal relationships across political, ideological, and identity differences, leading to more civil discourse. And, they plan to do it in the most nourishing way possible – over food and drinks!
As we approach the midterm elections, you can get in on the action. Last weekend, they launched Midterm 5 — a series of suppers they are going to do for the the few weeks leading up there midterm elections. They are doing 5 large suppers in cities and town all over the USA. Even if you can’t make one of those, you can host your own! I’m hosting one this week in Nashville and I’ll report back to you during next week’s podcast. Visit their Midterm 5 page on their site to get more details for hosting your supper. Don’t delay!
That’s all I’m going to tell you for now because I’m going to let my guests — Micky ScottBey Jones and Margaret Ernst — tell the rest. Micky is the Director of Resilience and Healing Initiative at Faith Matters Network and Margaret is the Program Manager at Faith Matters Network. They’re amazing. You’re going to love them. 
Follow Micky on Twitter and on her website. Follow The People’s Supper on Facebook and on their website. 
Follow Let’s Give A Damn on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter to keep up with all that is going on. We have so much planned for the coming months and we don’t want you to miss a thing! And if you want to follow our host Nick Laparra—Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter.
Support Let’s Give A Damn by contributing the monthly amount of your choice on Patreon. You can choose $1/month or $5/month. 100% of the money you contribute will go to making more podcasts. Not a dime goes into our pockets! Or you can leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts! Every little bit helps. Thanks for all your help.
Have an amazing week, friends! Love y’all!

About 25% of our listeners are from outside the USA. Whether you live in the USA or not, you don’t need me to tell you that America is more divided than ever. We can chat and/or argue all day about why we are more divided than ever but we are not going to focus on those things today. What we are going to focus on is how can people that believe different things and value different things come together to find common ground around food and drink?

Right after the inauguration in 2017, three groups came together to launch a project called #100Days100Dinners. Shortly after, this project turned into The People’s Supper. The People’s Supper aims to repair the breach in our interpersonal relationships across political, ideological, and identity differences, leading to more civil discourse. And, they plan to do it in the most nourishing way possible – over food and drinks!

As we approach the midterm elections, you can get in on the action. Last weekend, they launched Midterm 5 — a series of suppers they are going to do for the the few weeks leading up there midterm elections. They are doing 5 large suppers in cities and town all over the USA. Even if you can’t make one of those, you can host your own! I’m hosting one this week in Nashville and I’ll report back to you during next week’s podcast. Visit their Midterm 5 page on their site to get more details for hosting your supper. Don’t delay!

That’s all I’m going to tell you for now because I’m going to let my guests — Micky ScottBey Jones and Margaret Ernst — tell the rest. Micky is the Director of Resilience and Healing Initiative at Faith Matters Network and Margaret is the Program Manager at Faith Matters Network. They’re amazing. You’re going to love them. 

Follow Micky on Twitter and on her website. Follow The People’s Supper on Facebook and on their website


Follow Let’s Give A Damn on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter to keep up with all that is going on. We have so much planned for the coming months and we don’t want you to miss a thing! And if you want to follow our host Nick Laparra—Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter.

Support Let’s Give A Damn by contributing the monthly amount of your choice on Patreon. You can choose $1/month or $5/month. 100% of the money you contribute will go to making more podcasts. Not a dime goes into our pockets! Or you can leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts! Every little bit helps. Thanks for all your help.

Have an amazing week, friends! Love y’all!

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