My guest today is Jean Paul Laurent. Jean Paul was born in Haiti and came to the United States in 2004 with a dream and a desire to change the world and to do something bigger than himself. He found out what that something was after he returned to Haiti in the aftermath of the devastating 2010 earthquake that decimated so many parts of Haiti and took the lives of hundreds of thousands of lives.
As a result of spending time with his people and his home country in the aftermath of that tragedy, the Unspoken Smikes Foundation was born—an organization that envisions a world where every single human has access to great dental care.
Jean Paul and I met in NYC a few weeks ago to record this conversation at their office in the financial district of Manhattan. You’re going to love this guy. He is such a sweet human with a deep passion that I think so many of you are going to identify with. 
Follow him on Instagram! You'll be encouraged. 
Follow Let’s Give A Damn on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter to keep up with all that is going on. We have so much planned for the coming months and we don’t want you to miss a thing! And if you want to follow our host Nick Laparra on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter.
Support Let’s Give A Damn by giving $5 per month on Patreon. 100% of the money you contribute will go to making more podcasts. Not a dime goes into our pockets! Or you can leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts! Every little bit helps. Thanks for all your help.
Have an amazing week, friends! Love y’all!

My guest today is Jean Paul Laurent. Jean Paul was born in Haiti and came to the United States in 2004 with a dream and a desire to change the world and to do something bigger than himself. He found out what that something was after he returned to Haiti in the aftermath of the devastating 2010 earthquake that decimated so many parts of Haiti and took the lives of hundreds of thousands of lives.

As a result of spending time with his people and his home country in the aftermath of that tragedy, the Unspoken Smikes Foundation was born—an organization that envisions a world where every single human has access to great dental care.

Jean Paul and I met in NYC a few weeks ago to record this conversation at their office in the financial district of Manhattan. You’re going to love this guy. He is such a sweet human with a deep passion that I think so many of you are going to identify with. 

Follow him on Instagram! You'll be encouraged. 


Follow Let’s Give A Damn on FacebookInstagram, & Twitter to keep up with all that is going on. We have so much planned for the coming months and we don’t want you to miss a thing! And if you want to follow our host Nick Laparra on FacebookInstagram, & Twitter.

Support Let’s Give A Damn by giving $5 per month on Patreon. 100% of the money you contribute will go to making more podcasts. Not a dime goes into our pockets! Or you can leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts! Every little bit helps. Thanks for all your help.

Have an amazing week, friends! Love y’all!

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