I went up to the Rainn Wilson residence last week in LA but it was not to chat with Rainn this time. I stopped by to record a podcast conversation with his wife and much better half, Holiday Reinhorn. Erin Shacory, one of the LIDÈ Haiti board members, joined us for the chat and I had a blast. We spent the majority of our time together chatting about all things Haiti, LIDÈ, empowering young people, and we even talk about how a Rainn stole a bunch of hotel keys over 20 years ago. But back to LIDÈ. LIDÈ provides academic support and arts programs that empower girls who have been denied equal access to education and strengthen their resiliency. You may be asking, “Is educating Haitian young girls in the arts the best thing LIDÈ can be doing for them? I mean, they probably need clothes, and food, and jobs!” Holiday and Erin have a fantastic response to this question. 
Allow me to point something out to you—this organization exists to serve young women and it is primarily led and run by women. This is hugely important. Two of the co-founders are women. Most of the board members are women—over half of them being Haitian women. And almost all of their staff are women. Amazing!
I do want to give a special shout-out to the third co-founder, Kathryn Adams, who is also the executive director and who has lived in Haiti for the last 4 years. She, alongside Rainn and Holiday, have started something truly impactful, hopeful, and amazing in Haiti. 
Follow LIDÈ Haiti on social media at Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. And check out their work and more ways you can get involved by visiting their website. 
Follow Let’s Give A Damn on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter to keep up with all that is going on. We have so much planned for the coming months and we don’t want you to miss a thing! And if you want to follow our host Nick Laparra—Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter.
Support Let’s Give A Damn by sharing $5/month with us on Patreon. 100% of the money you contribute will go to making more podcasts. Not a dime goes into our pockets! Or you can leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts! Every little bit helps. Thanks for all your help.
Have an amazing week, friends! Love y’all!

I went up to the Rainn Wilson residence last week in LA but it was not to chat with Rainn this time. I stopped by to record a podcast conversation with his wife and much better half, Holiday Reinhorn. Erin Shacory, one of the LIDÈ Haiti board members, joined us for the chat and I had a blast. We spent the majority of our time together chatting about all things Haiti, LIDÈ, empowering young people, and we even talk about how a Rainn stole a bunch of hotel keys over 20 years ago. But back to LIDÈ. LIDÈ provides academic support and arts programs that empower girls who have been denied equal access to education and strengthen their resiliency. You may be asking, “Is educating Haitian young girls in the arts the best thing LIDÈ can be doing for them? I mean, they probably need clothes, and food, and jobs!” Holiday and Erin have a fantastic response to this question. 

Allow me to point something out to you—this organization exists to serve young women and it is primarily led and run by women. This is hugely important. Two of the co-founders are women. Most of the board members are women—over half of them being Haitian women. And almost all of their staff are women. Amazing!

I do want to give a special shout-out to the third co-founder, Kathryn Adams, who is also the executive director and who has lived in Haiti for the last 4 years. She, alongside Rainn and Holiday, have started something truly impactful, hopeful, and amazing in Haiti. 

Follow LIDÈ Haiti on social media at Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. And check out their work and more ways you can get involved by visiting their website


Follow Let’s Give A Damn on FacebookInstagram, & Twitter to keep up with all that is going on. We have so much planned for the coming months and we don’t want you to miss a thing! And if you want to follow our host Nick Laparra—FacebookInstagram, & Twitter.

Support Let’s Give A Damn by sharing $5/month with us on Patreon. 100% of the money you contribute will go to making more podcasts. Not a dime goes into our pockets! Or you can leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts! Every little bit helps. Thanks for all your help.

Have an amazing week, friends! Love y’all!

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