Grace Theisen and Lauren Lancaster are Michigan natives now residing in Nashville, TN. A few years ago, they started Songs Against Slavery. SAS “empowers and inspires communities to join the fight against sex trafficking in the United States. We raise awareness and funds through benefit concerts and musician partnerships.” Essentially, they raise money through concerts and partnerships and they use the money they raise to help fund projects that directly help free people from human trafficking. 
I truly enjoyed spending time with Grace and Lauren. Their joy for life and passion for helping people come through so many times during our conversation. Additionally, we chat for a bit about some chronic health issues Grace has had to endure for the last few years. We have so much to learn from these amazing women.
Follow SAS on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Check out their website for resources and for more ways to get involved! If you enjoyed our conversation or have a question for them, hit them up! I know they’d love to hear from you. 
Follow Let’s Give A Damn on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter to keep up with all that is going on. We have so much planned for the coming months and we don’t want you to miss a thing! And if you want to follow Nick Laparra—Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter.
Support Let’s Give A Damn by contributing the monthly amount of your choice on Patreon. 100% of the money you contribute will go to making more podcasts. Not a dime goes into our pockets! Or you can leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts! Every little bit helps. Thanks for all your help.
Have an amazing week, friends! Please let me know how I can serve you better. Give more damns this week than ever before. 

Grace Theisen and Lauren Lancaster are Michigan natives now residing in Nashville, TN. A few years ago, they started Songs Against Slavery. SAS “empowers and inspires communities to join the fight against sex trafficking in the United States. We raise awareness and funds through benefit concerts and musician partnerships.” Essentially, they raise money through concerts and partnerships and they use the money they raise to help fund projects that directly help free people from human trafficking. 

I truly enjoyed spending time with Grace and Lauren. Their joy for life and passion for helping people come through so many times during our conversation. Additionally, we chat for a bit about some chronic health issues Grace has had to endure for the last few years. We have so much to learn from these amazing women.

Follow SAS on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Check out their website for resources and for more ways to get involved! If you enjoyed our conversation or have a question for them, hit them up! I know they’d love to hear from you. 

Follow Let’s Give A Damn on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter to keep up with all that is going on. We have so much planned for the coming months and we don’t want you to miss a thing! And if you want to follow Nick Laparra—Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter.

Support Let’s Give A Damn by contributing the monthly amount of your choice on Patreon. 100% of the money you contribute will go to making more podcasts. Not a dime goes into our pockets! Or you can leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts! Every little bit helps. Thanks for all your help.

Have an amazing week, friends! Please let me know how I can serve you better. Give more damns this week than ever before. 

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