I had the privilege of sitting down with three wonderful humans while spending just a few hours in Baltimore, MD. We met up at Baltimore’s ImpactHub location and I met with them one after the other. By the end, I was drained, encouraged, and, more than anything, had real love in my heart for these three people and the city they cared for and loved. 
First, you’ll hear my conversation with David Fakunle. David has lived his entire life in Baltimore. He has a PhD in Mental Health from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. I love David’s energy and spirit! Baltimore is blessed to have him. Second, you’ll hear my chat with C. Harvey. She talks about her life, her struggles, and her art. She’s an amazing person who has overcome so much and continues to fight! Lastly, you’ll hear the conversation I had with Rodney Foxworth. This brother is a force to be reckoned with. He is a quiet man but his life packs a punch. Rodney co-founded ImpactHub Baltimore, he founded and is the CEO of Invested Impact, and he is involved, in so many ways, in making Baltimore a better place. 
I know you’ll be encouraged by these conversations and I trust you’ll love you city, town, or neighborhood more as a result of hearing us chat. 
If you want to learn more about David, you can find his TEDx talk here. If you want to keep up with C. Harvey, you can learn more about her by reading her bio or by following her Baltimore’s Gifted brand on Instagram. If you want to find out all that Rodney Foxworth is involved in, read here. If you want to keep up with all that Red Bull Amaphiko is going to encourage and help social entrepreneurs in Baltimore and in many other cities, follow them on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Follow Let’s Give A Damn on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter to keep up with all that is going on. We have so much planned for the coming months and we don’t want you to miss a thing! And if you want to follow Nick Laparra—Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter.
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