Craig Robinson was born in Chicago to Fraser and Marian Robinson. You may know his only sibling and younger sister, Michelle. Michelle Obama, that is. 

He is a former head men’s basketball coach at Oregon State University and Brown University. He was a star player at Princeton University in the early 1980s. He is currently the Executive Director of the National Association of Basketball Coaches.

During this conversation, we talk about his family, his amazing career, what it’s like to be th brother of one of the famous and recognizable women and families in the world. We also spend a few minutes talking about the his first encounter with the police when he was a boy, the Black Lives Matter movement, and what we need to do as a country to move forward.

Follow Craig on Twitter and Instagram.

Buy Craig’s book, A Game of Character.

Watch Craig and Michelle talk about all the things in this conversation with Isabel Wilkerson.


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Edited and Sound Designed by Sound On Studios

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