#200 In honor of the podcast’s 200th episode today, I’m here with the wonderful Matt Omo to talk about the ten Live In Flow commandments. During our conversation today, we discuss the positive effects of living a more heart-centred life, the importance of challenging ourselves daily, practicing gratefulness, surrounding ourselves with a support system that will constantly push us to be better, and the power of saying no. I sincerely hope that these commandments resonate with you and that you are able to incorporate some of them into your daily lives.

About Matt: Matt Omo is a leader of the sound healing movement in Australia with over 15 years of experience working with a variety of sound healing techniques bridging cultures and traditions from around the world. The work and awareness around sound healing and its benefits are growing every day. Matt is developing new programs and products to meet this need and continue to support people in discovering the benefits of the healing power of sound.

Matt's Website: 

Key points with time stamp:

00:00 The Live In Flow Ten Commandments | Guy & Matt Omo 02:45 “Ask yourself daily: What Would Love Do?” 04:18 Nurturing oneself and what it looks like 07:30 Removing toxins from our lives and what it entails 15:16 The importance of challenging yourself daily 18:05 Daily act of kindness 19:50 Make a list of all you’re grateful for 22:00 Daily Meditation 27:26 Surround yourself with people who hold you accountable 32:39 “If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no!” 38:48 Bonus Live In Flow commandment: Lighten up

Mentioned in this episode:

David Hamilton The Five Side Effects of Kindness, 2017. A book by Dr. David Hamilton

About me:

My Instagram: www.instagram.com/guyhlawrence/?hl=en
My website: