#209 In this episode, I’ll have a chat with author, speaker, and leading thinker in consciousness and contemporary spirituality, Peter Russell. With all the misunderstandings in the world of the word “Consciousness” and how to really “Let go”, Peter says that the way we view the two is all wrong. According to him, we don’t let go of people or things, but our attachment to them - the way we see them. So when we let go, we are actually letting go of nothing. He believes the most critical challenge we face today is to free human thinking from the limited beliefs and attitudes that lie behind so many of our personal, social and global problems.

Join us as we venture into what being conscious really means, the how of letting-go, and how it can open into an uncomplicated relationship to what is right now, dissolving whatever gets in the way of us showing up fully, sanely, and gratefully. Peter and I will also consider together how wonder releases tension in the mind, how gratitude releases tension in the heart, and how a radical practice of letting go, releases the whole being into its true nature - beneath and beyond even our humanity. At the end of this episode, you will have learned with great clarity and depth how you can move your life into greater alignment. Enjoy.

About Peter: Peter Russell is on the faculty of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, a fellow of The World Business Academy and The Findhorn Foundation, and an Honorary Member of The Club of Budapest. At Cambridge University (UK), he studied mathematics and theoretical physics. Then, as he became increasingly fascinated by the mysteries of the human mind, he changed to experimental psychology. Pursuing this interest, he traveled to India to study meditation and eastern philosophy, and on his return took up the first research post ever offered in Britain on the psychology of meditation.

He also has a postgraduate degree in computer science, and conducted some of the early work on 3-dimensional displays, presaging by some twenty years the advent of virtual reality. In the 1970s, he was one of the first people to introduce human potential seminars into the corporate field, and for twenty years ran programs for senior management on creativity, stress management, personal development, and sustainable development. Clients have included IBM, Apple, Digital, American Express, Barclays Bank, Swedish Telecom, ICI, Shell Oil and British Petroleum.

In 1982 he coined the term "Global Brain" with his 1980s bestseller of the same name in which he predicted the Internet and the impact it would have. His latest book, “Letting Go of Nothing: Relax Your Mind and Discover the Wonder of Your True Nature” was published on August 8, 2021. His other books include: The TM Technique, The Upanishads, The Brain Book, The Creative Manager, The Consciousness Revolution, Waking Up in Time, The Global Brain / The Awakening Earth, Seeds of Awakening, and From Science to God.

As one of the more revolutionary futurists Peter Russell has been a keynote speaker at many international conferences, in Europe, Japan and the USA. His multi-image shows and videos, “The Global Brain and The White Hole in Time” have won praise and prizes from around the world. In 1993, the environmental magazine Buzzworm voted Peter Russell "Eco-Philosopher Extraordinaire" of the year. His principal interest is the deeper, spiritual significance of the times we are passing through. His work seeks to distill the essence of the world's spiritual traditions and present it in ways relevant to the current times.

Peter's Website: 

Key points with time stamp:

Letting Go Of Nothing: Learn To Let Go & Be Free (00:00) Being a guide who shares his truth to help others (00:28) How consciousness can help you awaken to your true self (04:06) What it means to really be conscious (08:16) Letting go of nothing: Understanding what it means and how it can free you (13:12) Would you be happy if you got everything you want in life? Find out (19:30) Discovering the emotions that hold you back (25:05) Overcoming the fear to feel (30:23) Does ego really exist? (32:57) We haven't seen anything yet: Learning to navigate the continuous rapid change taking place globally (36:54) A morning routine that will change your life (41:25) The golden rule in all spiritual conditions (46:14)

Mentioned in this episode:

Letting Go of Nothing By Peter Russell

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