#198 On the morning of my birthday this week, I woke up 5:30am to vertigo. Every time I moved my head the room spun violently. What proceeded was vomit and diarrhea. I was completely floored. Every time I moved there was more vertigo, which then followed with more of the vomiting etc.

I’ll put the full adventure in a podcast, but the foot notes is that I laid in bed for two days, and I had to fully surrender. I couldn’t move, check my phone or reply to messages. Nothing. It felt like a two day and night silent meditation with fasting!

Being brought to my knees in a moment was very humbling. Being stripped back to bare bones truly help remind me of what matters. The people you love dearly. The stress of the to do lists, and Christmas quickly fall away.

It turned out I had calcium crystal deposits fall into my ear canal, which instantly brings on the vertigo, and there are head body movements you do to work with gravity so they can work their way out.

I share this with you simply because I’ve so many beautiful Birthday wishes that I have been unable to get to…. And that if you find yourself getting caught up in the stress of it all this time of year, take a breath and hug a loved one and see them through your hearts eyes.

I wholeheartedly believe there are no accidents and with any adversity that comes our way, if you look close enough the gift will reveal itself. In a strange way it’s been a bit of a reset and I’m just grateful for this gift called life and everyone in it.

About Guy: He is a coach, speaker, podcaster, wellness advocate and entrepreneur. Originally co-founded natural supplement company 180 Nutrition in 2010.180 Nutrition became one of Australia’s leading natural proteins was a Telstra business awards finalist and gained multiple national media exposure or their efforts. Guy also founded the no1 ranked iTunes podcast ‘The Health Sessions’ achieving over 2 million downloads whilst interviewing some of the worlds pioneering health experts and New York times best-selling authors.

With over ten years in the health and fitness industry, Guy has also explored many facets of health including what’s deemed ‘alternative’ and the measured effects on the body; from using meditation and neuroscience to create altered states of consciousness, shamanic rituals, cold exposure and breath work to name a few.

His latest project ‘Let It In’ is a community based platform that helps people bridge the gap between the life they live and the life they truly want to live. Guy shares his findings via his workshops, retreats and 4 week online program, creating a space for individuals to come together as a community that supports transformation and change.

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