#110 Fresh off the back of our first two Let Go & Live In Flow retreats in Jan 2020, me, Matt Omo & Petra Brzovic discuss our big take-homes.   - Why awareness is key; we control our lives, not life controls us - Be pulled by your vision, not pushed by your problems - Why we should never underestimate how powerful we all truly are - How Guy's mum shoulder injury heald more in 3 days at the retreat than in the past 15 years - Why we don't need to be broken to lean into this work - How a community can help us grow quicker   About Petra: Using various body & mind healing methods, Petra is committed to helping clients who have experienced trauma and suffer from fears, phobias and anxiety. Thanks to the extraordinary techniques that help make us aware of the wisdom of the body, Petra is also helping people who are suffering from chronic or acute diseases, in order to get answers to the question of why the disease emerged in the first place so that they can heal on all levels.   About Matt: Matt Omo is a leader of the sound healing movement in Australia with over 15 years experience working with a variety of sound healing techniques bridging cultures and traditions from around the world. Matt holds a MA in Spiritual Psychology, Dip. of Sound Healing, Reiki Master, Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, trained Breathworker, with numerous certifications in other healing modalities. Matt is also the co-founder of Be Still & Chill Health and Wellness a respected and thriving health centre in the northern beaches of Sydney, Australia.     Get more of Live In Flow Retreats Here: www.letitin.com.au/retreat   Learn more about Petra Brzovic: www.petrabrzovic.com   Learn more about Matt Omo:
www.omosoundjourneys.com     Learn more about Guy:

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