Lesson 49: Tell me about school.   第四十九课:跟我说说学校的事。

1) What time do you go to school in the morning? 你早上几点去上学?

2) He has to ride the school bus to get to school.  他必须乘校车去上学。

3) She prefers to have her mother take her to school.  她更喜欢让她妈妈送她去上学。

4) Because I am in high school, I keep my books in a locker. 因为我在上高中,所以我把书放在有锁的存物柜里。

5) They all have the same math class. 他们都上同一节数学课。

6) Do you have Mr Smith for English? 史密斯先生教你们的英文课吗?

7) She and I see each other in the hallway.  我和她会在走廊上碰面。

8) What is your first class of the day?   你今天的第一节课是什么?

9) I have English for my third period class. 我的第三节课是英语课。

10) Science is his favorite class. 科学是他最喜欢的课。

11) Why do we have so much homework?  我们为什么有这么多的作业?

12) My school is out at 3:30.    


13) She studied really hard for the test and got an A.  为了考试,她非常努力地学习并得了A。 

14) Mr Jones is my biology teacher.  我的琼斯是我的生物老师。

15) He had a pop quiz in geometry. 他的几何课有个临时测验。