Lesson 42: Weddings and Marriages. 第42课: 婚礼和婚姻。

1) Have you been invited to the wedding?   你被邀请参加婚礼了吗?

2) Yes, I received my invitation in the mail last week.  是的,我上周收到了邮件邀请。

3) The bride and groom will honeymoon in the Caribbean Islands.  新娘和新郎将在加勒比海岛屿度蜜月。

4) The groomsmen and bridesmaids all look beautiful.   伴郎和伴娘看起来都很漂亮。

5) The minister said the vows which the couple repeated to each other.  牧师宣读了结婚誓言那对新人彼此对说结婚誓言。

6) Following the ceremony, we all went to the reception.   婚礼结束后,我们都去参加了婚宴。

7) They had a band and so there was a lot of dancing after the meal.  他们有一个乐队,所以餐后有很多人跳舞。

8) Then they cut the cake and served pieces to all of the guests.   然后他们切开蛋糕,把蛋糕分给所有的客人。

9) After the marriage, where will the new couple live?  结婚后,这对新人将住在哪里?

10) The mother in law was so happy that she cried.  婆婆很高兴她哭了。

11) The new husband and wife have found a nice apartment nearby.   这对新婚夫妇在附近找到了一套很好的公寓。

12) They have been engaged for two years.   他们已经订婚两年了。

13) The bridal gown was formal with a long train.  新娘的礼服很正式,有长长的裙裾。

14) There were many presents for them to open! 有许多礼物要他们打开!

15) We wished the couple lifelong happiness.  我们祝愿这对夫妇一生幸福。