Lesson 16: The Thanksgiving Holiday.  第16课:感恩节假期。

1) Thanksgiving is an American holiday that started in the 1600s.   感恩节是美国的节日,始于1600年代。

2) It is traditionally held on the last Thursday in November.  传统上在11月的最后一个星期四举行。

3) The purpose of the holiday is to gather in appreciation of a great harvest.  这个节日的目的是为了庆祝丰收而欢聚一堂。

4) Usually turkey is served as the meat for the meal.   通常火鸡被作为正餐的食用肉。

5) Other traditional dishes are sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.    其他传统菜肴是红薯、蔓越莓酱和南瓜派。

6) Usually there are a variety of foods served with the meal.  随餐通常提供多种食物。

7) Cooks spend many hours in the kitchen preparing for the feast.  厨师们花很多时间在厨房里准备宴会。

8) In America, families and friends gather together to enjoy this time.  在美国,家人和朋友聚在一起享受这段时光。

9) In New York City, there is typically a parade with floats and giant balloons.   在纽约市,通常会有游行队伍,花车和巨型气球。

10) After the meal, many people watch American football.  吃完饭后,许多人看美式足球。

11) Thanksgiving is the start of the preparations before Christmas.  感恩节是圣诞节前准备工作的开始。

12) The holiday of Christmas is exactly four weeks after Thanksgiving.  圣诞节假期恰好是感恩节后的第四个星期。

13) The shopping day after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday.  感恩节后的购物日称为黑色星期五。

14) The weekend after Thanksgiving is considered to be one of the busiest for travel in America.    感恩节后的周末被认为是美国最繁忙的旅行之一。

15) Happy Thanksgiving!    感恩节快乐!