Duration: 00:21:50

Guest: Melissa Prepster, Gorzycki Middle School, Austin ISD

Lessons from the Field engages staff members from the Austin Independent School District about teaching and learning in our community. Discussions focus on various education topics and how they impact and empower teachers and students.

Website: Austin ISD Professional Learning

Social Media: @AustinISDPL

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In this episode, Mark Gurgel and Matthew Castilleja interview Melissa Prepster. Melissa Prepster has been teaching for 28 years (20 in Austin) all in Middle School. She currently teaches 8th grade US History at Gorzycki Middle School. She serves as her campus CIC (Campus Innovation Connector) and Social Studies Department Chair. She is a National Board facilitator and assists in the district Teacher Induction Program. Melissa is a Wisconsin native (though she's lived in TX longer than she lived in Wisconsin) so that's why you hear the accent. She is an avid Packers fan, loves going to see the Eagles and Don Henley in concert, and is a two-day Jeopardy champ.

During this episode, we discuss:

Experiences and learnings this year [3:15]
Building relationships [6:30]
Challenges [10:05]
A day in the life of [12:50]
Pedagogy to keep for next year [16:04]

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