There is a saying that goes, “What have you done for me lately?” For technology companies, that means a focus on innovation through research and development because customers are always looking for faster, more effective products.


Spectrum Technologies helps growers, from farmers to golf course turf managers, get the most out of their land through close monitoring of weather, soil conditions, nutrient management, and more. So it’s no surprise Mike Thurow, who founded the company 33 years ago, grew up on a farm.


Mike has an attitude of “always be learning”, which he brings to bear in his role as president and CEO, whether it’s watching industry trends or understanding his clients’ struggles and then identifying or creating technology to solve those problems.


We talk about the journey from founding to today, and what he’s learned along the way, including…


The most difficult role to hire – and why talented people don’t always work out

The single change that had the biggest impact on profit margins

How the creative use of existing technology in radically different industries was pivotal in the early days

The biggest challenge to continued growth after more than three decades in business

And more