On this week’s episode, we speak with Eero Pikat, President of Barchart. Eero began his journey with Barchart as a highschool student and through hard work and perseverance, has evolved the company into a global financial technology leader, providing market data and services to global financial, media, and commodity industries. He joins us today to speak about the trials and successes he experienced along the way.

“We've always been careful not to overextend ourselves. We have a diversified set of customers, not just in the industries that they're in, but also in their size. We are not beholden to one customer that accounts for 50% of our revenue. So we've played smart and safe to some degree, but we’ve also been safely aggressive” says Eero.

We chat about Eero’s entrepreneurial journey, as well as:

How he turned his general interest in pure software development into a lucrative career

The transformation of a commercial website into a leading financial portal

His evolution from college grad to company President

His biggest challenges as a business owner

And more