In our #13 episode we sat with Gabriele and had a complex, enriching conversation with peace psychologist Ufra Mir, looking at holistic ways to build and work on peace not only as a concept, but an embodied way of being, thinking and relating.

Ufra Mir is the first and only peace-psychologist from Kashmir, having earned her degree from USA and UK. She has introduced her peace-education, peace-psychology and transformation programs at various schools in Kashmir, in addition to working with youth, orphans, widows, teachers, students, artists and other professionals in Kashmir through the modalities of leadership development, critical and creative thinking, emotional intelligence and well-being, stress management and mental health. She is a founding member of a think tank called Kashmir Institute, and also runs her own NGO, Paigaam: A Message for Peace.

Ufra's TED talk on the conflict of war and peace - Ufra Mir: The Conflict of War & Peace | TED Talk

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Created by Zivile Virkutyte and Gabriele Sabunaite

Edited by Martynas Zukauskas