This Power is Mine. Not Yours.

I had Pancreatitis and had no idea how severe it was. Two weeks ago, the ER doctor told me that I was lucky to come in because my condition was life-threatening. I share my experience of that night and why I am so inspired to thrive now.

If you are at crossroads or feel stuck, I encourage you to check this episode out. I also added the link to my growth journal. This Power Is Mine. Not Yours. I saved you five years of therapy and designed it very relaxed without compromising solid advice.  I know what it's like to feel confused, frustrated, and have pain that no one quite understands. 

Let this be the day that you decide that you deserve better and are on your way to becoming better than ever.

Support the show What the Flies, Bees, and Ants Taught Me: The Sweet Lessons Learned About Failing and Getting Back Up I Don't Want You To Dim Your Light Anymore How to Turn a Breakup into a Breakthrough: And Move On Like a Boss You're Right. I Am That.: An Affirmation Book That Inspires Change Honey, It Is You: Why Being Envious Is Taking Away Your Joy and How You Can Take It Back for Good You're Right, I Don't Care: 7 Lessons Learned to Stop Worrying Less & Start Enjoying Life More ...