Explore language teaching with the Les Bons Mots Team, and get to know the creative team behind this project! What are some of the classroom activities we love to use? What challenges do our students face? What is our best language-learning advice, and what has teaching languages taught us? 

This week’s guest hosts are Lauren McIntosh and Nathan Elliott. Lauren has been teaching since 2014 and has taught English as a Second Language for the last three years.  She has a Master's degree in Linguistics from UWO and has recently finished her Ph.D. on communicative disorders in Alzheimer's Disease. Nathan has a Ph.D. in English Literature and has worked as a professor in Georgia in the US, on the island of Newfoundland, and in Montreal. Nathan has published creative non-fiction, fiction, research, and performed with the Montréal storytelling group Confabulation. Both Lauren and Nathan are part of the teaching team at ACA.

In this episode: 

Lauren recommends The Good Place, a charming comedy that she and her students use for present perfect practice. 

Nathan recommends the book Say Nothing by Patrick Radden Keefe, and if you are in the mood to hear colloquial English, the classic animated series The Simpsons.

Come check out our website, at lesbonsmots.ca. You can see our language learning videos, and read our blog posts on news, culture and language learning. We will also have our episode transcript available there. We’d love to hear from you at [email protected]