LT 095 | My SFGII Preparation & Experience - Joe DeLeo Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher

In this week's podcast interview my good friend Allan Phillips takes over the reins as guest host of the LEO Training Podcast to interview me.

I share my journey and preparation for the StrongFirst Level II Kettlebell Certification that I attended in King of Prussia, PA on September 23-24, 2017. You will learn what specific training protocols I utilized to prepare for the certification. In addition to my preparation I also recorded a short 15-20 minute recap of my experience with my good friend Dr. Matt Rice. Matt and I attended the SFG II together and provided a breakdown of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions of the weekend with an improptu interview we conducted in the hotel room.

Here are 3 Key Takeaways you will learn:

Why I made the choice to lose 30 pounds and go from 211 pounds to 181 pounds. This all started when I met Mark Allen at the Fit Soul-Fit Body Seminar April 29-30, 2017. Note: This has nothing to do with the SFG II Strength Standard and was influenced by several health and training factors. The impact endurance training has on strength training and balancing these 2 energy systems. How much the SFG II Certification enrichs and deepens your knowledge of the kettlebell. Interview Topics: SFG II Prep My background Why I decided to lose 30 pounds and go from 211 pounds to sub 185 for the SFG II How I lost the body fat through diet and aerobic training How moving 1200 miles, changing cities, starting a new job, and training has a massive effect on one's stress levels. Rapid Fire SFG II Weekend with Matt Rice Impact of travel Thoughts/Feedback on Day 1 Thoughts/Feedback on Day 2 How our preparation fared with the demands of the weekend Show Notes: LT 084 | Enhancing Athleticism in Rowers - Dr. Stuart McGill LT 026 | SFG II Prep & Experience - Brent Morehouse