Recovering from the coronavirus pandemic is going to take some effort and determination, which means

Recovering from the coronavirus pandemic is going to take some effort and determination, which means we need to rethink what and how we approach the support that is available to people across Leicester. There’ll be no returning to the old normal, though we don’t yet know what the new normal needs to be. I’m Rob Watson, and over the summer I’ve been chatting with people who work for charities and civic society organisations in Leicester, about how they are planning to Build Back Better, and what we need to do to be ready for the next set of community challenges. Over six programmes we’re hearing from people across Leicester who’ve been telling us what they think about the city, and in what way they think life in Leicester can be improved.

In this fourth episode, we’ll hear from Charlotte Robbie Turner, who’s an education support champion with Leicestershire Cares, who helps young people who’ve been in care to gain employment. We will also be hearing from Shim Gooch, who worked for Reaching People supporting community leadership training.

Interview 01: Charlotte Robey Turner, Head of Children and Young People, Leicestershire Care, Monday 26th July 2021, Bishop Street Chapel Café, Leicester.

Interview 02: Shim Gooch, Project Manager, Reaching People Wednesday 28th July 2021, Esquires Coffee, Leicester.

Programme Transcript: LBBBS-Episode-004-Radio-Edit-Transcription-2021-09-05

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Extended Episode: Right Click to Download

Leicester Builds Back Better Stories is broadcast on Leicester Community Radio, Radio Seerah and Kohinor Radio, and is supported by the Audio Content Fund, and was developed with assistance from De Montfort University, the Documentary Media Centre and the Zinthiya Trust.

Thanks to Ryan Clayton for additional content production.

This is a Decentered Media production by Rob Watson.







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