Previous Episode: THE COOL FACTOR! - LMC EP.76

There are a lot of people that are in a conundrum of sorts. Due to shifting economies and technological advances, there are more and more sectors of the economy that are becoming obsolete or shifting dramatically, and many people are often left out in the cold. Well we have some bad news insights for you. You probably should have seen it coming. But not to fear!

In this episode, Ryan and Rob talk about the mechanisms that lead to industry shifts, how to potentially spot them and what you can do to not fall victim to the ever changing world in which we work in. 

“I suppose there hasn’t been a single month since the war, in any trade you care to name, in which there weren’t more men than jobs. It’s brought a peculiar, ghastly feeling into life. It’s like on a sinking ship when there are nineteen survivors and fourteen lifebelts. But is there anything particularly modern in that, you say? Has it anything to do with the war? Well, it feels as if it had. The feeling that you’ve got to be everlastingly fighting and hustling, that you’ll never get anything unless you grab it from somebody else, that there’s always somebody after your job, that next month or the month after they’ll be reducing staff and it’s you that’ll get the bird – that, I swear, didn’t exist in the old life before the war.”

― George Orwell, Coming Up for Air

“There are stories — legends, really — of the “steady job.” Old-timers gather graduates around the flickering light of a computer monitor and tell stories of how the company used to be, back when a job was for life, not just for the business cycle… The graduates snicker. A steady job! They’ve never heard of such a thing.”

― Max Barry, Company

“Don’t come and offer master's degree 'cos you’re unemployed. It’s not a solution to unemployment unless you want to be an academic. Get some skills and sharpen yourself; it will direct you to the right master's degree or professional cert.”

― Kingsley Ofosu-Ampong


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