Ryan opens with an apology for the delay in episodes.
Ryan is a Contra Cruiser for life.
Check out the Bob Murphy interview. Papa Murphy is an expert at finding flaws in Krugman's daily blog post.
The cruise organizers try to make learning economics as fun as Schoolhouse Rock.
Though difficult, Ryan encourages people to learn about economics. Especially Austrian economics
Ryan explains gains and busts in the economy.
Ryan explains how the market is self-regulating.
All hail Dr. Ron Paul.
Ryan explains hits epiphany upon meeting Ron Paul.
He was unexpectedly invited to Dr. Paul’s house. Being the stud he is, Ryan resisted falling into a blubbering mass.
Listen to the history of the Mises Institute.
Ryan vouches for anyone associated with Ron Paul.
Ron Paul is the most gracious host in the in known universe.
Knuckle-Draggers, this is proof of the benefit of seizing a possibility.

Website: http://legendarymancave.com/

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Contra Cruise: https://contrakrugman.com/

Ron Paul: http://ronpaulinstitute.org/

Mises Institute: https://mises.org/