In this episode, The Blaxican Brothers wish there was a cure for sleep. Ryan schools Rob on how sea-based mammals manage to sleep. It turns out that dolphins should be considered smarter than humans.

They are happy to jump on the Colin Kaepernick bandwagon, bringing idiots on both sides to task. Ryan reveals how both sides have adopted Social Justice Warrior tactics. He goes on to explain the truth of the origin of taking a knee. 

Rob reminds everyone America was built on a complaining.

Ryan expands on the dangers and foundation of fascism.

Look for the Lopez-Evans film, ‘Black Hitler’.

Rob blames Apple for setting the template for the hypocritical attack tactics.

Ryan clarifies the legal definition of monopoly. Did you know there have only been 17 monopolies in history?

AOL -- yes, that AOL -- has the tendency to totally screw up everything they touched.

Holy cow! Rob actually gives Apple Corp some props.

Tom DiLoenzo - “Monopoly, Competition, and Antitrust”


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