Rob asks Ryan about which charitable causes interests him and is near and dear to his heart. Ryan responds with informing Rob that one does not need to start a charity but should always be giving back to the community in some way shape or form.

Ryan talks about DonorSee, a for-profit organization, giving direct a to those in need. The true beauty of this charity is the ability to know exactly where your money is going to and how much is being raised in the effort.
DonorSee she is very efficient. His charity gears approximately 95% to the recipient, in comparison to other charities shaking approximately 50% of each donation to account for overhead.

You access DonorSee through the app and your favorite app store.

Rob rips on Sally Struthers.

Ryan tells how he gives back to the veterans.

Ryan gives a broader reasoning for giving back to the community.

Rob admits to the need to give back.

Ryan mentions Feed L.A. started by a woman who gives food to the homeless. Rob explains how the founder possesses more courage, considering she started alone.

Rob does not want to get eaten by hyenas. He relays the rules to One Bounce, a from-the-hood baseball-related game. Rob explains why he will avoid starting any charity expressly benefiting any gender or ethnicity.

Ryan thinks he can get the founder of DonorSee on the show. Look who’s the big hot shot!

Rob still wants to start a new charity, but Ryan reminds him of the myriad of existing charities that need help.

Rob mentions the American Ninja Warrior competitor who seeks to have people donate a kidney. Ryan’s responds with a Rob-patented “Fuck that” as his organs are off-limits as long as he is alive.

Life Tip: Money is always the best thing to donate. Instead of sending items to help, have a local fundraiser and send the proceeds to the relief efforts.

Okay, class, can you say “antithetical” as smooth as Ryan?

Feed Los Angeles
Donor See on Google Play
Donor See on iTunes