In this episode, Ryan and Rob discuss how to get back on track when you just feel like you are stuck or too overwhelmed to move forward. No more excuses for failing to get goals accomplished.

For starters, dedicate an hour per day towards actions leading to your goal.

Use Google Docs, Google Keep, and, possibly Google Calendar to journal and set timeframes.

Share your goal with people who will keep the whip cracking.

Rob bellyaches about the number of missed ideas the Blaxicans have thought of but have gone dormant.

Ryan warns about a series of pitfalls and headaches involved in starting a business in the food industry.

Rob encourages Knuckle-Draggers to look at things with the eyes of child; look at things without judgement. Also, he gives examples on how to combine tasks while away from the location where your prime endeavor is best worked. Ryan suggests making a daily list of tasks and encourages people to complete exterior tasks done in a single trip.

Ryan gives a simple, undeniable method to discern what is the highest priority in your life. Chances are, initially, you will not like the answer. 


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