Ryan gives Trump credit for fulfilling Obama's campaign promises – and he still cannot get any love.


Acting presidential means killing a whole lot of people.


Ryan lowers the boom with his viewpoint on the Obama era. It's not pretty.


Being an anti-statist, Professor Lopez gives a history lesson.


Get ready for a lesson on becoming crash proof.


Buy silver, dammit.


Get to know and get prepared to use crypto-currency.


Stock up on non-perishable items, such as salt, dehydrated meats, and bullets. Bartering could easily become the norm in many of our lives.


Depressions do not necessarily require a long time to correct.


Read “Crash Proof” and cover your ass. Be proactive, Knuckle-Draggers.


The fun begins! Get the lowdown on upcoming Big Boxes of Bullshit contests. The Blaxicans plan to whore themselves for your time and attention. We are talking real-world items.



1921 DEPRESSION :: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depression_of_1920-21

CRASH PROOF :: www.amazon.com/Crash-Proof-Profit-Economic-Collapse/dp/0470043601

Website: http://legendarymancave.com/

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Ben Shapiro: www.dailywire.com
Libertarian Party: www.lp.org