Reflecting on the weird weather in California

What’s Grinding Robs Gears?

SJW’s are hanging out in Robs yard. Figuratively. But are they starting to lose ground? Rob and Ryan discuss the stupidity of the SJW’s and how to defend yourself from their stupidity. As more people speak up, speak out and push back, they become less vocal. 

Tom Woods spoke with a guest on the philosophy of postmodernism and how language is being manipulated and words change meaning, to confuse the argument. An example of this would be transgenderism. (Post Link) 

Zuh-Zah (Post Link) 

Everything is a phobe! Homophobe! Xenophobe! They label you as being fearful to minimize the impact and make it something that Must then be wrong with you. It’s never them and their lunacy and stupidity.

Ryan’s pet peeve in this episode is climate change idiots. It’s the same ridiculous mentality that is being used by these climate change zealots as the SJW’s use. 

Ryan explains the real definition of Socialism and how most people either misdefine or just don’t know what these terms are and mean, yet they will argue them until they are blue in the face. 


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