Ryan introduces his founding of a Regional Libertarian Group -- No. 69! Join us, if you want to commute to Claremont.

Ryan forgot he converted Rob to the Liberty Movement. The brotha shoulda made him work harder.

Learn a few new techniques to rub one out.

Rob cannot say "Giggity".

Ryan is losing faith in society.

Ben Shapiro fails to impress Ryan, but Rob likes him just fine.

Rob rejects the overuse and misuse of “phobe” used by SJW and others when an opposing viewpoint is presented.

Down with collectivism! Learn to look at the individual. Do it, if only to avoid being an asshole. Or better yet, to avoid being part of the worst problem in society.

Rob asks Ryan what he would do with an overly insecure girlfriend. Check out the response.

Don’t worry about pronouns, just use “dude” from now on.

How many boobs are too many on a single woman.

Website: http://legendarymancave.com/

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Ben Shapiro: www.dailywire.com
Libertarian Party: www.lp.org