In a change of pace for our show, we do not cover a legaltech startup in this episode. Instead, we take a look at The Effectiveness Project, which is a legal technology collaboration through the Legal Technology Core Competencies Certification Coalition and a variety of legal technology vendors.

The Effectiveness Project is an international working group of legal professionals, with support from LTC4, collaborating to establish best practices and baseline skills for creating effective legal documents. They are focusing, at present, on what is called Document Competency.

The first release from The Effectiveness Project, is the Document Competency Best Practices Guide. This guide is free and can be downloaded right now. See the link below. The Best Practices Guide was created with the understanding that the legal document-creation process is highly individualized. As such, The Effectiveness Project sought to provide guidance that is specific, yet flexible. To meet that goal, the Best Practices Guide is divided into drafting stages so it can be used as a modular part of a workflow.

Two participants in the collaboration are friends, and former guests, of LegalTechLIVE. They joined us to describe the goals and mission of The Effectiveness Project.

Ivy Grey is the Vice President of Strategy and Business Development at Wordrake. Ivy has been the driving force behind the effort to improve efficiency and effectiveness of document creation through The Effectiveness Project.

Chris Cangero is the Chief Executive Officer of DocStyle, LLC and another of the leading voices behind push for better document creation via The Effectiveness Project.

Take a listen and download the Best Practices Guide. Connect with our guests and get involved!