Jason Boehmig is CEO at Ironclad, the intelligent contract management system for in-house legal teams. Prior to Ironclad, Boehmig was a corporate attorney in the Startups and Venture Capital group at Silicon Valley firm Fenwick & West LLP, where he worked on early stage venture financings as well as complex corporate transactions for several well-known technology companies. If you've been paying attention to the #legaltech space for any amount of time, you've heard about Ironclad. They are one of the most successful startups in the contracting and #CLM space. Their founder, Jason Boehmig, joined us for an evening to discuss his founder experience and the company's rocket ship growth. He even mentions that he's happy it looks like a rocket ship from the outside, but goes on to describe what the journey was like on the inside. In a very transparent interview, Jason even shares with us his views on the political discussions taking place in Silicon Valley #startups and how he and his company are addressing these issues. We are grateful for the time he took and the candid discussion. Show hosted by Nick Rishwain. More about Jason Boehmig & Ironclad: Jason Boehmig on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jboehmig/. Jason Boehmig on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jboehmig. Ironclad on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ironclad_inc. Ironclad website: https://ironcladapp.com/.          

Jason Boehmig is CEO at Ironclad, the intelligent contract management system for in-house legal teams. Prior to Ironclad, Boehmig was a corporate attorney in the Startups and Venture Capital group at Silicon Valley firm Fenwick & West LLP, where he worked on early stage venture financings as well as complex corporate transactions for several well-known technology companies. If you've been paying attention to the #legaltech space for any amount of time, you've heard about Ironclad. They are one of the most successful startups in the contracting and #CLM space. Their founder, Jason Boehmig, joined us for an evening to discuss his founder experience and the company's rocket ship growth. He even mentions that he's happy it looks like a rocket ship from the outside, but goes on to describe what the journey was like on the inside. In a very transparent interview, Jason even shares with us his views on the political discussions taking place in Silicon Valley #startups and how he and his company are addressing these issues. We are grateful for the time he took and the candid discussion. Show hosted by Nick Rishwain. More about Jason Boehmig & Ironclad: Jason Boehmig on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jboehmig/. Jason Boehmig on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jboehmig. Ironclad on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ironclad_inc. Ironclad website: https://ironcladapp.com/.          

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