Lexon is a new type of program language that anyone can read. Programs used to be behind an hermetic wall. Most of us had to trust other people to create, validate, interpret and maintain programs for us. Not any more. Lexon is the next generation of program language: human readable like natural language. Lexon can be used to describe agreements and business logic. It was designed to make the code of blockchain smart contracts readable for non-programmers.   Lexon merges law and automation. The legal and the program text are ONE. In this episode, we are joined by Lexon.Tech developer Henning Diedrich and Professor Carla Reyes, as they explain to us the uses for their human-readable natural language programming option that can be used to create Blockchain-based smartcontracts. One of the ways I explain the technology is that it is a WYSWIG editor for Blockchain programming in Sophia and Solidity programming languages. But it is so much more powerful if those reading the contracts can see what they say in real time.   This episode is outside of our normal legaltech startup interviews. This is more in line with our efforts to continue our interviews in computational law.

Lexon is a new type of program language that anyone can read. Programs used to be behind an hermetic wall. Most of us had to trust other people to create, validate, interpret and maintain programs for us. Not any more. Lexon is the next generation of program language: human readable like natural language. Lexon can be used to describe agreements and business logic. It was designed to make the code of blockchain smart contracts readable for non-programmers.   Lexon merges law and automation. The legal and the program text are ONE. In this episode, we are joined by Lexon.Tech developer Henning Diedrich and Professor Carla Reyes, as they explain to us the uses for their human-readable natural language programming option that can be used to create Blockchain-based smartcontracts. One of the ways I explain the technology is that it is a WYSWIG editor for Blockchain programming in Sophia and Solidity programming languages. But it is so much more powerful if those reading the contracts can see what they say in real time.   This episode is outside of our normal legaltech startup interviews. This is more in line with our efforts to continue our interviews in computational law.