Disputec Peace Maker (DPM) has created an automated patent pending algorithm to resolve disputes, conflicts and dilemmas. DPM's algorithm can be applied to legal disputes, among others, and resolve them quickly while saving the parties up to 80% of the average dispute cost. Moreover, DPM can solve not only bilateral disputes but also personal day-to-day dilemmas and disputes between groups or countries. Learn all about the Disputec Peace Machine from founder Gal Gorodeisky as he shares his experience as a labor litigator and his transition to a de-litigator and peace maker. More about Disputec Peace Machine: https://www.yesskipno.co.il. Hebrew Language: https://disputec.com/. More about Gal Gorodeisky on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gal-gorod.... More about Gal Gorodeisky on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Galgorodeisky. More episodes on our website: https://legaltechlive.com/.   Category Science & Technology

Disputec Peace Maker (DPM) has created an automated patent pending algorithm to resolve disputes, conflicts and dilemmas. DPM's algorithm can be applied to legal disputes, among others, and resolve them quickly while saving the parties up to 80% of the average dispute cost. Moreover, DPM can solve not only bilateral disputes but also personal day-to-day dilemmas and disputes between groups or countries. Learn all about the Disputec Peace Machine from founder Gal Gorodeisky as he shares his experience as a labor litigator and his transition to a de-litigator and peace maker. More about Disputec Peace Machine: https://www.yesskipno.co.il. Hebrew Language: https://disputec.com/. More about Gal Gorodeisky on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gal-gorod.... More about Gal Gorodeisky on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Galgorodeisky. More episodes on our website: https://legaltechlive.com/.   Category Science & Technology

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