Contract Canvas is the easy way for creative professionals to create and e-sign client agreements. This platform for creative professionals, makes contract language, humans can read. Create, preview, e-sign, and save. That’s all there is to it. Take a listen to this very refined pitch from #legaltech founder, Chris Brown. How does it work? Here are the steps outlined on the Contract Canvas website: 1. Tell them about your project: their user-guided contract wizard will ask you to provide the important details about your project–payment terms, termination rights, ownership of work product, and more. 2. Preview your contract: All Contract Canvas contracts include a summary designed for humans not lawyers and also a legal version designed for lawyers and judges. You can preview your contract, return to the wizard to make changes, and edit as much as you’d like. 3. Send your contract to your client: Next, click “Send to Client” and we’ll email your client a secure link where they can access your contract online. 4. Client preview: Your client can securely review both the human summary and the legal terms on our platform. If they have questions or changes, they can email you directly. 5. Client e-signs: Once approved by your client, they can easily provide their e-signature using our platform (through an integration with HelloSign). 6. You e-sign: We’ll let you know as soon as your client e-signs your contract. After they sign, you can e-sign too (again, using an integration with HelloSign). 7. We share the final contract: After you e-sign, we will save the final, fully-signed contract to your dashboard. We’ll also send a PDF copy of the contract to both you and your client via email. Check out the episode. You'll see that Chris Brown knows his product inside and out. Also, a special thanks to Katia Alcantar for co-hosting this episode, her first, with Nick Rishwain. More About Chris Brown & Contract Canvas: Chris Brown on LinkedIn: Chris Brown on Twitter: Contract Canvas on Twitter: Contract Canvas Website: More About Katia Alcantar & Fast Expunge: Katia Alcantar on LinkedIn: Katia Alcantar on Twitter: Katia's Company: Katia is also the COO of Text A Lawyer: More episodes available on #startups #founder   Category Science & Technology

Contract Canvas is the easy way for creative professionals to create and e-sign client agreements. This platform for creative professionals, makes contract language, humans can read. Create, preview, e-sign, and save. That’s all there is to it. Take a listen to this very refined pitch from #legaltech founder, Chris Brown. How does it work? Here are the steps outlined on the Contract Canvas website: 1. Tell them about your project: their user-guided contract wizard will ask you to provide the important details about your project–payment terms, termination rights, ownership of work product, and more. 2. Preview your contract: All Contract Canvas contracts include a summary designed for humans not lawyers and also a legal version designed for lawyers and judges. You can preview your contract, return to the wizard to make changes, and edit as much as you’d like. 3. Send your contract to your client: Next, click “Send to Client” and we’ll email your client a secure link where they can access your contract online. 4. Client preview: Your client can securely review both the human summary and the legal terms on our platform. If they have questions or changes, they can email you directly. 5. Client e-signs: Once approved by your client, they can easily provide their e-signature using our platform (through an integration with HelloSign). 6. You e-sign: We’ll let you know as soon as your client e-signs your contract. After they sign, you can e-sign too (again, using an integration with HelloSign). 7. We share the final contract: After you e-sign, we will save the final, fully-signed contract to your dashboard. We’ll also send a PDF copy of the contract to both you and your client via email. Check out the episode. You'll see that Chris Brown knows his product inside and out. Also, a special thanks to Katia Alcantar for co-hosting this episode, her first, with Nick Rishwain. More About Chris Brown & Contract Canvas: Chris Brown on LinkedIn: Chris Brown on Twitter: Contract Canvas on Twitter: Contract Canvas Website: More About Katia Alcantar & Fast Expunge: Katia Alcantar on LinkedIn: Katia Alcantar on Twitter: Katia's Company: Katia is also the COO of Text A Lawyer: More episodes available on #startups #founder   Category Science & Technology

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