There are many ways to describe B-RAiN, but unique, talented, and charismatic just seem to scratch the surface. However, there is one word that ties them all together and is true to his character: B-RAiN is Real. Few people share so honestly from the heart and soul. B-RAiN does so in just the right way, combining art, story, and song in perfect unison.

Clean since May 5th 2007, B-RAiN has been of service to so many in his community outside of his music, by going into local Jails and speaking to inmates, going into Drug Treatment centers and speaking to clients, as well as helping people find help when they are struggling with addiction/alcoholism. Not only does his passion for helping and inspiring others speak through his music, it also shows in the way that he lives his day to day life!


B-Rain’s “it takes a village” tour kicks off in July 2020! Check the URLs below for details and make sure to give the mighty b-rain a follow on youtube -