David traveled to the Hard Money Bankers headquarters in Columbia, Maryland for a wide-ranging conversation with founder Chris Haddon. David has known Chris since their days at Salisbury University and has always been enamored with his business savvy. Chris discusses his thoughts on productivity, working hard vs. working smart, his disdain for the word “busy,” his process of writing a successful book, the time he spends Colombia (the Country not the town), and much more. While his business of private money lending is not directly associated with the legal world, his business lessons are surly applicable and extraordinary valuable.


HARD MONEY BANKERS is a full service and self-funded private/hard money lending company providing fast and flexible financing for residential and commercial investment real estate deals. We are currently lending in Maryland, DC, Virginia, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.


HMB can be found at hardmoneybankers.com. Chris Haddon can be found on Instagram at “Chrishaddonhmb”Chris' book, The Whiteboard: Go from Blank Canvas to a Productive, Leveraged and Highly-Profitable Business, can be found on Amazon. It’s a great read!