Join us in rich and informative conversations with survivors of conversion therapy* who courageously share their voices and stories with host Shila LeBlanc. Learn more about the harms and impacts of conversion therapy* with many stories originating right here in Nova Scotia. 

Robert’s Story 

This episode explores the harms of conversion therapy* in religious spaces. Robert was subjected to conversion therapy* for most of his upbringing in the context of a small, religious town in Nova Scotia. After finding the courage to move away from his family and community so he could live freely as a gay man, he searched for faith spaces that allowed him to be himself. Robert found this space and is a strong believer in the power of healing within gender-inclusive faith spaces.


LawLISNS are short legal information podcasts presented by the Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia (LISNS-pronounced 'listens').  LawLISNS talks about everyday legal problems in Nova Scotia, your rights and responsibilities, and ways to work things out.

The law and information talked about in this episode were current as of November 2022.  Laws change, so check with LISNS or a lawyer to see if the law has changed since then.  LISNS podcasts explain the law in a general way as it applies in Nova Scotia, Canada.  The information is not intended as legal advice.  If you have a legal problem, contact a lawyer for advice about what steps you should take in your situation.