In this episode, PK Eastman talks about her experiences discovering the truth about her family’s finances.

For years she was unaware of her financial standing because her husband handled that part of their life.She discovered that they were in over their heads between tax payments, debt, insurance policies, etc.She became scared, distrustful, stressed, worried.She lived meagerly in a condo for 3 years after her husband passed away and she lost their home.She was able to rebuild her life, however she cautions our listeners to take preventative steps to avoid going through what happened to her.

Key takeaways:

Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help in understanding your finances. It could help you prevent getting in over your head later on down the line!Anger is always the outward expression of inner feelings. Such as tired, hurt, afraid, hungry, etc.You can bounce back!If you are in the dark about your finances, it’s very important to take hold of that and get in-the-know!

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